Club in Katowice

About the bar
Here one forgets about routine and dives headfirst into the unique atmosphere. Want to check it out? You will be in the centre of attention and any celebration, birthday or stag party will be unforgettable.

Katowice has become the fourth city where one of the most fiery brands of our country is represented. The Club No.1 is a guarantee of quality and reputation. And these are not just words. For 4 years already the bars under this name have been giving inexpressible emotions and providing high service.

Why go to a new bar?
  • Incendiary music and super party atmosphere;
  • loyalty programme and gifts for guests;
  • brand reputation and the same high service in every city of presence;
  • open every night from 21:00 to 06:00.

Free entry, L club card
and a lap dance as a gift

Free entry, a drink
and two lap dances

Katowice, Mariacka 19
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